What do Tinder, Hinge, and Bumble have in common? Apart from the fact that all these apps help find a life partner, they are all united by one popular mechanic, namely swipes. Swipe left to skip, swipe right to like. We decided to brainstorm and implement such mechanics in email marketing. And we did it.

This game mechanic can find many uses in email marketing:

  • stores can learn more about recipients with this mechanic on what audience like and dislike, for better future email personalization and product recommendations;
  • game grant an opportunity to give recipients special offers depending on what goods they are “liked”;
  • and much more.

In this article, we will show you in detail how to create a full-fledged game that will include:

  • AMP version of the game with five images;
  • interactive HTML version with the same five images;
  • fallback version for email clients that do not support interactivity.

Let’s dive right in.

Swipe it game in action

Important note: On mobile devices, this game requires clicking on buttons, just like on the desktop version.

AMP version

Let’s start with the full code of the AMP version, that looks like this:


=5 ? 'turn hide '+direction : 'turn'" class="turn" style="background-image:url(https://zlnfb.stripocdn.email/content/guids/CABINET_ae8966dae28bde57b03cb58d7cf4ccc98e9a70aefdbfb6ab39fb9522001b990b/images/0f3561545ba54dac81427413014e5e29_8yw.jpeg);">

=4 ? 'hide '+direction : ''" style="background-image:url(https://zlnfb.stripocdn.email/content/guids/CABINET_ae8966dae28bde57b03cb58d7cf4ccc98e9a70aefdbfb6ab39fb9522001b990b/images/09fce28b8e864fe0a789ad18ea82d94a_Y1U.jpeg);">

=3 ? 'turn hide '+direction : 'turn'" class="turn" style="background-image:url(https://zlnfb.stripocdn.email/content/guids/CABINET_ae8966dae28bde57b03cb58d7cf4ccc98e9a70aefdbfb6ab39fb9522001b990b/images/08310c6c29e04188bf3c6c836757c65d_Hg6.jpeg);">

=2 ? 'hide '+direction : ''" style="background-image:url(https://zlnfb.stripocdn.email/content/guids/CABINET_efee7e987d401eb6229e290061b7146290b32f77ab86ee8dd79a59a6ef0a5152/images/019a8993af7b4c32a48c4616560ecfc2.jpeg)">

=1 ? 'turn hide '+direction : 'turn'" class="turn" style="background-image:url(https://zlnfb.stripocdn.email/content/guids/CABINET_efee7e987d401eb6229e290061b7146290b32f77ab86ee8dd79a59a6ef0a5152/images/001fe42d8cc040de9a9ff2bb349b4a5f.jpeg)">

Now, to the explanation. Creating your game starts with these steps:

  • add an empty structure to the email;
  • select “Include in AMP HTML” in its settings.

Adding AMP HTML block

  • next, we pull the “HTML” block into this structure and paste the following code into it instead of the existing code in the block.

Where to paste code

Basic look of swipe it game

We have an element with photos and like/dislike buttons. Besides that, cards with photos are displayed immediately and are located on top of each other. Every second card is slightly rotated. The rotation degree is specified in the styles in the form of .swipe-it-amp .turn { transform: rotate(5deg); }

Each card has its own like/dislike buttons that are all displayed now in the email editing area, but will be hidden from the recipient (they will see only the buttons to the corresponding image). Also, the endgame message is currently visible, but it will be shown after the game is over.

“Dislike” button

Here’s how the code for the “Dislike” button looks like.

Code for dislike button

Let’s discuss this code in detail:

  • role=”button” acting as a button;
  • tabindex=”1″ is a mandatory attribute if there is a role=”button” sets the sequence of receiving focus when switching between elements using the Tab key;
  • on=”tap:AMP.setState({ direction: ‘left’, order: 1, img1: ‘dislike’})” this part includes “click” event handler (on=”tap:”), and create several variables;
  • direction is the first variable that we use to determine which way to move the cards so the values ​​will be ‘left’ or ‘right’;
  • order is a second variable that we use to write the number of the card in order, which is currently displayed;
  • img1 is a third variable that is dedicated to each card (each one has its own img variable with a dedicated number) and used to write which button was clicked, ‘dislike’ or ‘like’ and then send this data to the server;
  • [hidden]=”order>=1″ attribute hides the element when the condition is met (in our example, if the order variable is greater than or equal to 1, meaning when the 2nd card should be shown).

Besides that this code included in the all other label tags but all the numbers increased by 1 for each button.

In this part of code, hidden attribute hides the element by default. We need to display only the first button at once, the rest will be hidden.

Code for displaying dislike buttons

“Like” button

The situation with this button is similar to the “Dislike” button, only in the direction variable, we specify the direction ‘right’ so that the cards move in the other direction, and in the variables img1, img2 we change the value to ‘like’:

For the first button we have the code [hidden]=”order>=1″ role=”button” tabindex=”1″ on=”tap:AMP.setState({ direction: ‘right’, order: 1, img1: ‘like’})”.

For the rest we have the same code, meanwhile increasing all numbers by 1 for each button.

Code for displaying like buttons


Our buttons are already hidden, now we need to hide and animate the cards.

To do this, we add the following classes before the closing tag, so it will look like this:

.swipe-it-amp .hide {
        transition-duration: 0.1s;
        transition-timing-function: ease-in-out;
        visibility: hidden;
    .swipe-it-amp .left {
        transform: translate(-300px, 0);
    .swipe-it-amp .right {
        transform: translate(300px, 0);

Code for hiding cards

In the .hide class, we added the transition-duration: 0.1s; property so that the card does not hide instantly and the animation of the movement is visible.

After that, we need the conditions for when to add these classes.

=5 ? 'turn hide '+direction : 'turn'" class="turn" style="background-image:url(https://zlnfb.stripocdn.email/content/guids/CABINET_ae8966dae28bde57b03cb58d7cf4ccc98e9a70aefdbfb6ab39fb9522001b990b/images/0f3561545ba54dac81427413014e5e29_8yw.jpeg);">

=4 ? 'hide '+direction : ''" style="background-image:url(https://zlnfb.stripocdn.email/content/guids/CABINET_ae8966dae28bde57b03cb58d7cf4ccc98e9a70aefdbfb6ab39fb9522001b990b/images/09fce28b8e864fe0a789ad18ea82d94a_Y1U.jpeg);">

=3 ? 'turn hide '+direction : 'turn'" class="turn" style="background-image:url(https://zlnfb.stripocdn.email/content/guids/CABINET_ae8966dae28bde57b03cb58d7cf4ccc98e9a70aefdbfb6ab39fb9522001b990b/images/08310c6c29e04188bf3c6c836757c65d_Hg6.jpeg);">

=2 ? 'hide '+direction : ''" style="background-image:url(https://zlnfb.stripocdn.email/content/guids/CABINET_efee7e987d401eb6229e290061b7146290b32f77ab86ee8dd79a59a6ef0a5152/images/019a8993af7b4c32a48c4616560ecfc2.jpeg)">

=1 ? 'turn hide '+direction : 'turn'" class="turn" style="background-image:url(https://zlnfb.stripocdn.email/content/guids/CABINET_efee7e987d401eb6229e290061b7146290b32f77ab86ee8dd79a59a6ef0a5152/images/001fe42d8cc040de9a9ff2bb349b4a5f.jpeg)">

Note that our cards are one on top of the other. In the layout, the element that is lower in the code will be in the foreground. That is, our cards will be located in the layout not 1,2,3 but 3,2,1.

We have  following attribute to the first card (the one lower in the code with the ‘turn’ class): [class]=”order>=1 ? ‘turn hide ‘+direction : ‘turn'” which is an attribute that contains the condition for displaying classes. If the value of the order variable is greater than or equal to 1, we add the turn class, the hide class, and the value of the direction variable. Otherwise, we will only leave the turn class. When the recipient clicks on the ‘Dislike’ or ‘Like’ buttons, the order number is written to the order variable 1,2,3, and so on. After this, we have the check and classes for card animation.

We have the same for the next ones, and where there is no turn class, we don’t add it. Besides that, we increase the number by 1 in the check for the order variable. As a result, for the second card it will be: [class]=”order>=2 ? ‘hide ‘+direction : ””, for the 3rd: [class]=”order>=3 ? ‘turn hide ‘+direction : ‘turn'” and so on.

Completion screen 

The next step is creating conditions for displaying a message at the end of the game instead of the block with the game. To do this, we add the attribute [hidden]=”order>=5″ to the div tag with the class “game-container”.

Endgame message code part

Besides that, we have the attribute  hidden [hidden]=”order!=5″ to the div tag with the class “result”.

Final endgame message code part

In this code the number 5 is the maximum number of cards, if we want to make more cards (for example 10) then we need to change it to 10.

To change your completion message, just type your own here:

Where to change completion message

Meanwhile, changing “Submit” screen messages requires changing texts inside these code lines:

Changing submit screen messages

Gathering data

Our game is ready, but the data we receive from it is not yet sent to the server.  The full code of the game with data gathering will look like this:

First we need to create a Data Service where all data will be stored.

Creating Data Service in Stripo

Once it’s done, we add the following code before the div tag with the class “game-container”:

Implementing Data Gathering

Besides that, we add the closing tag at the end of the code, before the last


Place for pasting game container code

In the first input tag (name="user_email"), you need to replace the value with your own. The user's name is substituted into this input with the merge-tag of the email service used. In our example, the merge-tag is for the Yespo service. In your case, you need to replace it with the one used in your email service.

Important note: More about merge-tags and how to use them described in the special article in our Help center.

After that, replace the link in the action-xhr attribute of the form tag with your own.

Places for Inserting Your Own Values

Input tags with the attribute name="image-1", name="image-2" etc. correspond to the number of cards. In the attribute [value] specified a variable for each card, in which we wrote the value “Dislike” or “Like”.

Now we need to add the “Submit” button and blocks with a message about a successful submission or an error. To do this, we paste this code instead of block with “result” class:

We’ve got the core, now it’s time to make it shiny with some styles. Paste this code before "swipe-it-amp" div.

.swipe-it-amp .submit-btn {
        border-radius: 0px;
        font-size: 16px;
        background: #151515;
        padding: 10px 17px;
        display: inline-block;
        color: #ffffff;
        text-align: center;
        cursor: pointer;
        border: 0;
    .swipe-it-amp .amp-form-submit-success .result-text {
        display: none;

Place to paste styles code

Important note: div with the submit-success attribute appears when the data is sent successfully, and the submit-error when an error occurs. Meanwhile, .submit-btn is used to design the “submit” button.

This button is responsible for submitting the recipient’s answers and sending them to your Data Service.

Submit button for swipe it mechanics

Customizing styles

You can tweak game looks to your liking by changing styles in the code.

Like and dislike buttons

You can change how “Like” and “Dislike” buttons will look by replacing links to our icons to your own:

Changing buttons looks

Besides that, you can change border color for buttons. To do this, there is a btn class in the code in which you need to change the background color value.

Changing background color for buttons

As a final touch, you can use the :hover pseudo-class to specify the background color when the mouse hovers over the element.

Adjusting hover property

Important note: In our example, the icons are white with a black frame. To change their color, you need to upload another image. The image size should be 2 times larger than the icon size. In our case, the icon is 50×50 px and the image is 100×100 px.


Now let’s talk about changing styles for cards. To make your cards match your preferences, you can tweak this parameter — size, color, and border type — to your own values.

Changing style of cards

Meanwhile, changing images in cards requires changing links to these images in this part of the code:

Changing pictures in cards

You can create the design of your own by changing all these elements. So experiment with them to create the unique and suiting game for your email marketing needs.

Changing the looks of the game

Important note: Changing styles for the interactive HTML version is identical to the guide above. 

Interactive HTML version

Now we are moving to an interactive HTML version. Work on this version starts with another empty structure with the setting “Include in HTML” applied. Be sure to lcoate it right under the structure with the AMP version.

Preparing HTML block

After that, we also insert an “HTML” block into it and add the following code:

Gathering data

In order for data gathering to work in this version, you need a link in the action attribute of the form tag to your data Service, which was created for the AMP version.

Place for Inserting your own values in interactive HTML version

In the first input tag (name="user_email), you also need to replace the value with your own merge-tag , just like in the case with the AMP version.

The interactive HTML version has a similar structure, but the “Dislike” and “Like” buttons are bound to the input tags. Thanks to this binding, we can add transition and hide the blocks using the pseudo-class :checked.

The number of input tags must match the number of “Dislike” and “Like” buttons, and one input “input-img-0” with the checked attribute by default, is needed to display the very first buttons and the card.

Interactive HTML buttons code

Customizing styles

Now, a few words about styles for interactive HTML version.

Important note: If the number of buttons changes, then the styles also need to be changed.

Here's what the styles for showing and hiding the “Dislike” and “Like” buttons look like:

Styles for interactive HTML buttons

Here we have styles for card transition:

Styles code for card animations

The last but not least, we have styles that hide the game at the end and show a message:

Endgame message styles

Fallback version

The last stop of our guide is the fallback version. The layout of this version is visually similar to our interactive versions but without interactivity. As a result, clicking on elements will lead to the web version of the email

We continue to work with the interactive HTML block that we made above and insert the following code between the tag and


Ending code lines for the fallback version

To make things work properly and send the recipient to the right web page when clicking on the fallback elements, you should change links to your own web version here:

Place for pasting your own links

Next, we work with styles to show only the version suitable for the mail client and make the buttons look the same as in the interactive version. We add the styles themselves to the style tag:

.fallback .btn {
        display: block;
        border: 2px solid #333;
        border-radius: 50%;
        padding: 12px;
        width: 25px;
        height: 25px;
    .fallback .btn:hover {
        background-color: #333;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) {
        .fallback .btn {
            padding: 7px;
    /* --- */
    @media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 0) {
        input.fallback_ctrl:checked~.container {
            display: block !important;
        input.fallback_ctrl:checked~#fallback {
            display: none !important;
    [owa] .container {
        display: none !important;
    [class~="x_container"] {
        display: none !important;
    [id~="x_fallback"] {
        display: block !important;
    @media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
        body[data-outlook-cycle] #fallback {
            display: block !important;
        body[data-outlook-cycle] .container {
            display: none !important;

Let’s stop for a bit to discuss important code elements. We have a special input:

Fallback hiding code

We use it to show or hide the fallback via styles. It is in the comments to make sure it is hidden in the Outlook Desktop client.

In addition, we have that contains the entire layout of our fallback version. It should have a simple, tabular layout suitable for Outlook. In our example, this is a table in the form of tabs with links that lead to the web version. You can make your own version, for example, so that the contents of the tabs are displayed one under the other without going to the web version. The main thing is to use a layout that is understandable for Outlook.

This code is responsible for the appearance of the “Dislike” and “Like” buttons:

Fallback buttons styles

The styles below are responsible for hiding and displaying the fallback version. If you remove them or comment them out, the fallback version will be visible in the editing area as well as preview mode, so you can adjust its design to the desired form (through the code). But don't forget to return these styles back before sending the email.

Styles for hiding and displaying fallback version

These styles don’t have clear rules for each email client, but there are a set of hacks that can be used to control the display:

  • styles that start with [owa] are used for Outlook;
  • the [class~="x_container"] styles are needed for Outlook In case [owa] does not work;
  • body[data-outlook-cycle] styles needed for Outlook on iOS and Android mobile devices;
  • mso-hide:all; is used for Outlook.com.

The full code

Here is the fallback code of the game, including the interactive HTML part and the fallback version:

Wrapping up

New interactive mechanics are not only a way to distinguish your emails from competitors, but also to surprise your recipients by offering a more engaging way to interact with the already familiar email newsletters. We hope that this guide will become a reliable support for you in creating unique email newsletters that will delight your recipients and delight you with improved performance of your email campaigns.

Create exceptional emails with Stripo

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